Company tours


Let us dive into the world of water and the environment, because the importance of the way waste water is treated is more than just a drop in the ocean!


To understand wastewater treatment, a visit to the Ginestous-Garonne plant in charge of wastewater decontamination is a must.

The Ginestous-Garonne site treats 125,000 m3 of wastewater every day, and you can find out what happens to the water you use.

In the conference room, the main operating principles of the site are explained, complemented by a tour of the technical installations.

On the environmental theme, this free tour is particularly suitable for school groups.

Spoken languages

  • English

Chemin des Daturas

Village Aéroconstellation



  • Fully equipped meeting room

Coach parking


Groups accepted

Free admission

Venir sans voiture

Arrêt de bus à proximité

Durée du trajet à pied : 10 min