Screen printing


Moirages sérigraphie is an artisan silkscreen workshop dedicated to promoting this beautiful printing technique!
The workshop is open to the public for initiations, courses and training, and is also mobile to come to you!


L'atelier Moirages is a screen-printing workshop offering :
- an artisanal printing service: posters, announcements, T-shirts, tote-bags...
- discovery, initiation or regular practice of this technique; on site at the workshop or mobile at your facility.
- introduce you to my screen-printed creations

188 Avenue de Cazères


Cultural activities

Means of payment

  • Cheques and postal orders
  • Cash
  • Bank transfers

Venir sans voiture

Gare à proximité

Less than 30 minutes walk from Cazeres train station!

Durée du trajet à pied : 24 min

Arrêt de bus à proximité

Durée du trajet à pied : 10 min

Less than a 10-minute walk from the PALAMINY - Centre bus stop!