This site is included in the Natura 2000 network as a special protection area (fauna, flora) and as a special protection area for birds. It is also listed as a Natural Area of Ecological, Faunistic and Floristic Interest.


Discover the Ramier de Palaminy, a real jewel of biodiversity. This Special Protection Area provides an exceptional refuge for a unique variety of flora and fauna. As a Special Protection Area for birds, it is home to rare and endangered avian species, providing a fascinating ornithological spectacle. In addition, the Ramier de Palaminy is recognised as a Natural Area of Ecological, Faunistic and Floristic Interest, testifying to its exceptional ecological value.
In addition, its status as a prefectoral biotope protection zone for migratory fish reflects its crucial role in preserving aquatic ecosystems.


Period from 01/01/2024 to 31/12/2024

Venir sans voiture

Gare à proximité

Less than 30 minutes' walk from Cazeres station!

Durée du trajet à pied : 24 min

Arrêt de bus à proximité

Durée du trajet à pied : 10 min

Less than 10 minutes' walk from the PALAMINY - Centre bus stop!