Historical sites and monuments



Cazères boasts a beautiful 14th-century church dedicated to Notre-Dame. Its façade is in the "typically Gothic" style of Notre-Dame-du-Taur in Toulouse, with its six-arched portal framed by columns with foliage capitals. Restoration work was undertaken at the end of the 19th century by the architect Hector d'Espouy, who designed the two octagonal towers, between which stands Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption, patron saint of the sanctuary.

The interior of the church is a fine example of the Southern Gothic style, with a very wide nave and no aisles. It has a rich Jacobean heritage, a treasure trove of sacred art and a chapel. It can be dated to the end of the 15th century, as can be seen from its capitals and keystones.

Blaise Binet, magistrate of Rieux-Volvestre, wrote of Cazères in 1764 in his historical description of the diocese of Rieux, "the parish church (which is in the old castle) is the most beautiful and most ornate in the diocese. "

The church's Treasure Room houses a treasure trove of sacred art, including a 15th-century wooden Virgin Mary and a beautiful Romanesque baptismal font.


Listed or registered (CNMHS)


Venir sans voiture

Gare à proximité

Less than 20 minutes' walk from Cazeres station!

Durée du trajet à pied : 11 min

Arrêt de bus à proximité

Durée du trajet à pied : 10 min

Less than 10 minutes' walk from the CAZERES - Jean Jaurès bus stop!